9 Perfectly Pithy Sayings and Quotes to Show Everyone Just How You Really Feel
You know those inspirational sayings and quotes featuring saccharine lines like “Hang in There!”, “Home is Wherever I’m With You” and “Be You, Be Beautiful”? Well, I have a put together a roundup of the very opposite of thoughts for all with a snarky sense of humor.
Not everyone is a glass half-full morning-person. Some of us don’t want to see people before we’ve had three cups of coffee, let alone wish them a good morning. And if I’m being honest, we aren’t so much into wishing anyone a good anything–even after that third cup of coffee.
Let’s face it, some people are warm and friendly people and the rest of us get as annoyed as heck by those warm and friendly types. Fall into the latter category? Then read on my fellow grump for some sayings and quotes just for you.
Those inspirational sayings and quotes posters are made for those friendly peeps. But what’s out there for us misanthrope types? Well for all you darker-hearted souls out there, here are some of the pithiest sayings and quotes (nothing cheesy here) I could find to let everyone know just how we really feel.
9 Pithy Sayings and Quotes So Everyone Knows Just How You Really Feel
Image: hairbrainedschemes
“Sarcasm is My Super Power” – Don’t I wish?
Image: BDubWrites
“Fair is Where You Get Cotton Candy” – Anyone with kids or who works with kids, will really enjoy this one.
Image: 45wall
“Leave Me Alone. I’m Only Talking to My Cat Today” – Oh, how I wish this were acceptable every day.
“Nevermore” – Edgar Allen Poe, the patron saint of the misanthropes among us.
Image: StraySquirrels
“Don’t Be Obtuse” – I feel like I could say this to everyone. Everyone. Every. Day.
Image: hairbrainedschemes
“Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That” – How completely true is this? Almost everything anyone wants you to do is irrelevant. Am I wrong?
Image: ArchiveHomePosters
“Always Remember You’re Unique. Just Like Everyone Else” – Yes, you are special. Just like every other person on the planet.
Image: SweetFineDay
“After a Good Dinner, One Can Forgive Anybody, Even One’s Own Relatives” – A quote attributed to Oscar Wilde that may or may not be true.
Image: thedreamygiraffe
“Raise Your Hand If You’ve Have Had Quite Enough Unsolicited Advice About What Should Be Done With Any Lemons Life May or May Give You” – Amen!
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Top Image: hairbrainedschemes