Are Infants and Children Most In Need of Organic Foods?

For starters, a few studies have found that some organic foods have an edge in some nutrients. For instance, last year the University of California at Davis reported that organic strawberries, marionberries and corn surpassed the same varieties grown conventionally in vitamin C content and in compounds called phenols which are health-promoting phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are potent antioxidants that can neutralize free radical damage which if left unchecked, can lead to premature aging and disease. Phytonutrients may even enhance the immune system. Moreover many consumers report that organic foods taste better.

Where the real fire-power comes into play however is with reference to infants and children. They are potentially the most vulnerable population segment long term because of the pesticide residues that are found on conventionally grown fruit and vegetables. Or as a spokes-person for the Environmental Working Group, a consumer group and advocate for organic food said, “if you want to pick a set of chemicals to avoid, pesticides would be at the top of the list.” Pesticides, known to be cancer causing, combined with the antibiotics and growth hormones found in livestock foodstuffs – meat, dairy, eggs and poultry- may potentially pose serious long term affects for children. To be on the safe side, consuming organic meat (100 percent organically grown feed or pasture land) dairy, eggs and poultry together with organic fruits and vegetables will seriously reduce exposure to pesticides, antibiotics and growth hormones. Admittedly organic products cost more however when considering the possible benefits to one’s health, the price is small.

Also, check out this informative blog entitled No Nutritional Difference Between Conventional and Organic Foods? The Organic Center to the Rescue!
