This Homemade Anti-Aging Face Serum Doesn’t Cost $100 (But it Works Like it Does!)

DIY Skin Serum

If you’re anything like me, you’re always chasing that evasive facial skin glow and will admittedly spend hundreds of dollars on a beautifully branded, all-natural skincare line to achieve it. The purer the product is and the more exotic its ingredient list, the more excited I get about it. However, after some experimenting in concocting a homemade face serum, I quickly realized that I don’t need to break the bank to capture a radiant complexion. And, neither do you. In fact, this easy-to-make highly potent elixir puts all your former store-bought skincare products to shame.

What has always bothered me about skincare is how intelligent marketing schemes have complicated the whole thing. Instead of trusting and relying on simple, straightforward natural ingredients, we are sucked in by the promises of many skincare brands that to play with our natural desire to have that “secret” touch, giving us a step ahead in the race towards perfect skin. And while the emergence of natural and organic skincare has been incredibly welcome, the same problem exists: we are still looking for complex differentiation among the options. And sure, it’s fun to shop around and indulge in the scene. But why not just accept that the simplest, most frills-free solution may in fact be the best one?

Meanwhile, organic skincare products are an investment, with the face serum often leading the pack in price. Face serums are often based in organic essential oils with concentrated benefits. That is, a little goes a long way. However, for a one-ounce pump, it’s hard to justify spending $100 – to say nothing of the frequency of making the same purchase.

Luckily, most of us don’t need cosmetologist skills to stir up our own batch of age-defying face serum. The following concoction is my current go-to face serum recipe that can be adapted upon with the swapping of essential oils. Because it is based in oils and can leave the skin lightly greasy (I say glowing!), apply this serum at night, after cleansing.

The base, or carrier, of this face serum recipe is a blend of jojoba and rosehip oils. Jojoba oil has similar properties to the skin’s natural sebum and not only moisturizes, but also fights inflammation and treats irritation. Rosehip and vitamin E oils together act as a powerhouse of antioxidants, protecting the skin from oxidative stress. Meanwhile, frankincense essential oil treats blemishes, acne, and inflammation; helichrysum essential oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal; myrrh essential oil soothes chapped or cracked skin; and geranium essential oil treats acne, dermatitis, and other skin diseases.

While the initial price tag of all these oils combined may reach $100, the only recurring investment is the jojoba and rosehip oils, which are each about $10 a pop. The other oils are used in such small amounts, they will last you for months if not more than a year.

Homemade Natural Face Serum Recipe

Makes about 2 ounces



Place all of the ingredients into a glass dropper bottle. Seal the dropper and gently shake to combine the oils. Use one-fourth to one-half dropper full at a time to apply to your facial skin at night after cleansing.

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