Raw Food Detox Journal, Day 64

January 3, 2008
Coming up is my entry chronicling the beginning of my third month of eating raw last year. I am now 16 months into this Raw Food Detox Journal, lifestyle. Quite honestly, I still have some days where I don’t eat as healthily as I’d like, but on the whole I remain about 70% raw. It works just fine for me. During winter months, my body wants grains, so I give it sprouted grains, which are incredibly satisfying. Right now, I’m into sprouting wheat berries. So tasty, so versatile, so crunchy–and easy to grow. I use them as a substitute for cereal (add blueberries, bananas and almond milk or any raw nut milk), on salads, and in rollups and smoothies.

Sprouts are considered a “Super Food,” they have so many benefits. They’re easy to digest, and packed with enzymes, proteins, complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, and minerals and they’re economical. What’s not to love? My tummy is never happier than when it is digesting sprouts.
I order wheat berries from my co-op, grown locally and organically. But you can also get them online or at health food stores. Although you can also buy sprouting kits online, I just reuse old pickle jars and the like. You’ll need to poke holes in the lid. Simply soak the wheat berries for 24 hours in the jar and then drain and rinse them once to twice a day for two days. Be sure to leave the jar upside down at a 45 degree angle to properly drain, or they’ll develop nasty gooeyness.
If you want to learn more about sprouting, check out www.sproutman.com
Raw Food Detox Journal, Day 64
August 3, 2006
This was a sunshiny summer day. I just wish I would’ve been conscious for all of it. I had great energy after a peach and almond milk smoothie with raw hemp protein (the hemp protein is made by Nutiva—wonderful stuff). Got a lot done and wrote for several hours. But by 6pm I was dead asleep. I felt so tired I was actually nauseous. Was out for three hours. As I write, it’s 4am. I just don’t seem to have enough fuel to get through one day. I am so ready for the detox demons to give me a break.
‘Course, it might not be the detoxing at all. For me, sugar is at the top of my Do Not Go There list and I’ve been eating it every night in some form for 3 nights. Last night it was raw ice cream. I used raw coconut and fresh strawberries, with dates and ice. It ended up delicious. (Side note: you need a really good blender like a Vita-mix for making raw ice creams. I redecorated my kitchen with organic strawberries. At least it was a less gooey catastrophe than the last blender-inspired raw food attempt—guacamole. Still have a green tinge on my ceiling!)
Don’t get me wrong, the raw ice cream is fine for people who don’t have candida. But I am not one of them. I’ve also been eating raisins and dates with nuts. I can tell a difference already, being so sugar sensitive. The mucous is making a big comeback. It only needs a little fuel, apparently.
Goal for tomorrow: NO SUGAR!!