Should You Work Out While Pregnant Like Kate Hudson Does?

Why You Should Consider Working Out During Your Pregnancy Like Kate Hudson
<i>Image via Instagram/Kate Hudson</i>

Actress Kate Hudson is known for her passion for fitness as much as for her film roles, so it comes as no surprise that she’s continuing her workouts while pregnant with her third child.

After feeling “sick” during her first trimester, it seems like the star is back to her old self and back in the gym, posting pics on her Instagram stories along with her Pilates instructor, Nicole Stuart.

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), there are many benefits to working out during pregnancy, including reducing back pain, easing constipation, and decreasing the risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. Another bonus? Exercising while pregnant will also help you drop the weight post-delivery.

So if you’re a fitness fiend like Hudson, it’s good to know you can still get your sweat on (safely) even while pregnant. Here’s what else you need to know about exercising while pregnant.

How Much Exercise Should You Get?

ACOG recommends that expecting moms get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity every week, which equals out to doing about 30 minutes per day for five days.

Moderate intensity means that you are moving your body enough to get your heart rate up and get a sweat on, but you can still easily talk throughout your workout. You shouldn’t be out of breath.

What Are The Best Exercises to Do?

If Pilates isn’t your thing, then no sweat. There are a slew of other activities that you can do while pregnant.


This is probably the most perfect workout to do while pregnant because you’re practically weightless in the water. Not only is it working large muscle groups, but it’s also easy on the joints, so you’ll feel lighter and agiler than you feel on land. Swimming also alleviates back pain as well as can reduce swelling in your arms and legs.

Paddleboards and water noodles are also great to use for support and balance, and your favorite swim move will easily become the backstroke as it will make you feel more buoyant.


Many yoga studios offer pre-natal yoga classes, and for good reason. Yoga helps you to connect to your breath and relax, which can help you adjust to your pregnancy, labor, and impending motherhood.

It will also help you to develop the necessary strength, flexibility, and endurance of muscles needed for childbirth, in addition to relieving the tension of your back, neck, hips, and chest.

However, notes that it’s important not to do any asanas (poses) on your back after the first trimester since it will reduce blood flow to the uterus. And stay away from hot yoga, which can endanger the growth of your baby.


It’s probably the most basic exercise, but it’s still effective. It’s a workout that you can do anytime, anywhere, and one that you can do practically up to your delivery date (and even during labor, a practice recommended by a number of experts).

Walking helps keep your heart strong and your muscles limber, and keeps your baby’s weight in check, which helps to ensure an easy delivery. Walking also reduces the risks of miscarriage, birth defects, still birth, and gestational diabetes.

The Takeaway

Before embarking on any exercise routine, whether you’re a seasoned fitness pro or not, it’s always imperative to check with your doctor first. According to ACOG, there are certain conditions, including having severe anemia, heart conditions, and being pregnant with twins or triplets, that would prevent a woman from exercising during her pregnancy.

However, if you’re given the all clear, you too can rock a fit pregnant belly like Hudson.

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Brianne Hogan is a Canadian writer, currently based in Prince Edward Island. A self-proclaimed "wellness freak," she has a ... More about Brianne Hogan