From Our Friends: August 29, 2014

Labor Day weekend is here! We hope you all get out and enjoy the last holiday of the summer. But before you leave for the lake, take a look at this week’s From Our Friends, where we roundup some of OA’s favorite posts, published by our friends and partners around the web.
This week’s post contains information about a rad soccer ball, a DIY air freshener idea, thoughts on how to reuse food before you toss it, shirt “reconstruction” tips, two recipes, and an awesome “Meatless Monday” update.
1. Can you believe that soccer balls could potently change lives around the world? Read the article at HooplaHa to find out more.
2. Have an old shirt you want to fancy up? Take a look at this post from Crafting a Green World. The blog has some tips on how you can reconstruct old shirts. Sounds like a great Labor Day weekend project to me!
3. If you need to make a room smell fresh and un-funky, read this DIY fruit rind air freshener tutorial from Free People.
4. Treehugger recently posted this great reminder about what foods can be reused before you throw them out.
5. If you’re looking for a vegan burger to serve at your Labor Day party, here’s a yummy one. Via Glow Kitchen.
6. And don’t forget to serve up this crumble for desert. Via The Chalkboard.
7. Three cheers for South San Fransisco! It’s now participating in “Meatless Monday.” Via Ecorazzi
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