From Our Friends: February 20, 2015

Happy Friday! We hope you had a great week. Let’s celebrate all the work we’ve accomplished over the past few days by relaxing and reading this week’s From Our Friends, OA’s weekly roundup of awesome links from our Internet friends and partners.

This week’s post is filled with some winter beauty tips, tips for making homemade suet cakes, a pasta recipe, and more.

1. We all know tea is tasty, but did you know it can make your winter-beaten skin glow? Via Daily Makeover.

2. Forget the store-bought pasta — make your own for this Bowtie Pumpkin Pasta recipe with Sage Butter. From A Beautiful Mess.

3. Learn to let go — tips from EcoSalon.

4. Make these homemade suet cakes for your neighborhood birds this winter. Via Crafting a Greener World.

5. Dogs are awesome — no doubt about it: “Dog Travels 20 Blocks To Find Owner In Hospital,” from HooplaHa.

6. This coffee table has another function — it serves as a pet bed from Treehugger.

7. Fit Bottomed Eats has some interesting weight-loss tips.

Related on Organic Authority

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From Our Friends: February 6, 2015

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Image: Tony Smith
