From Our Friends: October 10, 2014

Two people meditating.

I don’t know about you, but I am ready – so ready – for this week to end. If you are as ready as I am, you’re probably welcoming the appearance of this post because that means it’s Friday. From Our Friends is OA’s weekly blog that features our favorite posts, published by our friends and partners around the web.

This week’s post features a link to a blog about some tasty, gluten-free recipes, an article about how to de-stress quickly, a post about cold weather running clothing, advice on how to make pumpkin puree at home, and a link to a heartwarming story about a police officer and a woman. Also: Some awesome information about Emma Thompson and a study about babies and self-control.

1. Are you looking for a few gluten-free recipes to make this fall? Lovely! Check out this link from Refinery29. It lists four recipes to try.

2. This post from Free People has some amazing ideas for how to de-stress in the next five minutes.

3. Lululemon has some great layering tips so you can run outside even when it’s chilly.

4. This post from Crafting a Green World will teach you how to make pumpkin puree. No more store-bought pumpkin puree for you!

5. Read this heartwarming story about a police officer and the woman he pulled over on HooplaHa.

6. So, Emma Thompson is amazing. Click over to Grist to hear her thoughts on climate change.

7. Have you ever wondered when your baby will learn self-control? Well, this study may have figured that out. Via The Atlantic.

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From Our Friends: September 26, 2014

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Image: Balint Foldesi
