Earth Day Twitter Party This Wednesday!

Topic: Earth Day Resolutions
Wednesday, April 20, 4-5 PM EST (1-2 PM PST)

As many of you know, this Friday is Earth Day! To celebrate, we are having an hour-long Twitter party on Wednesday at 1pm PST/ 4pm EST to chat with all of you about how together we can make simple changes to better our planet, as well as the lives we lead. We won’t be alone, either. We have teamed up with our good friends Rodale News, BlissTree, Experience Life, and The Green Garmento, who will all be on the line answering your questions, sharing information, and most importantly hearing from you. The main focus of this chat is to make an Earth Day Resolution, a pledge to make at least one green change in your lifestyle in the next year.

If you have never participated in a Twitter party before, it is a fun and educational way to share and recieve info on a specific topic. Other than having your own FREE Twitter account, here are the intructions on how to join:

1. At the start of the party (or anytime during), go to

2. Click on “party” in the top menu of the TweetGrid home page.

3. Enter #EDResolution in the “party hashtag” field, and the Twitter handles of the party co-hosts (see below) in the “party host(s)” field, and your own user name/handle in “Your username.” To make it easier for you, you can copy/paste the following into the party co-host box: @organicauthorit, @rodalenews, @greengarmento, @experiencelife, @blisstreedotcom

4. Click “Join the Party!” and you’re in! When you tweet during the party, include the tag #EDResolution in the text so your message will be visible to everyone in the party.

Don’t forget to click “Login” under the tweet bar once you are in so you can link your Twitter account!

Party co-hosts:

Organic Authority@OrganicAuthorit
The Green Garmento @GreenGarmento
Experience Life @ExperienceLife
BlissTree @blisstreedotcom

Start following us on Twitter now, so you won’t forget to join the party! See you then!

image: DaniloRamos
