Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (September 13, 2013)

Happy Friday everyone! If you’re new to OA, we take time once a week to thank our fans for all the posts, comments, and tweets they leave us every week. Remember to follow us on Pinterest and Google+ to stay up to date on all our social networks! Thank you all 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!
If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can improve, please share.
Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:
@CafePourDeux: This Lemon Ricotta Pancake Recipe via @OrganicAuthorit would go great with a cup of Cafe Pour Deux! Delish & organic!
- @BalanceBodySoulWondering if you can get enough protein while incorporating more vegetarian or vegan meals? Check out these 15…
- @athletichound: With our hectic lives we don’t have time to make a healthy breakfast. Here’s an easy and QUICK way to do it:
- @ChristinaMinhPR: If you have a phone with a camera you are guilty of this habit! Why not master it? #food#foodporn#foodpic
- ?@terrywalters: @OrganicAuthorit My #garden was so late this year. Hard to believe it’s already time to save #seeds for next year!
Our Facebook Favs of the Week:
LoriAnne Chavez The thing that really irks me is that many of the shampoos listed are grouped together in the “organic” section. Illegal Cancer Causing Chemicals In Nearly 100 Shampoo Brands
- Little island studios Just wondering how far it has to go, before we no longer accept this “food” system? (Cancer is at all time high…what exactly are we waiting for?) Unlabeled Chinese Chicken Approved for Sale in the U.S.
- Cordelia Elsinore During the Halloween season?! Never!! Sugar Detox: A 4-Week Plan to Kick the Habit
- Stacy Cleveland Pacholek Killing us slowly. Arsenic-Tainted Rice Safe to Eat, Says FDA
- Nancy Thompson You can’t research for brands with horse meat in the USA. You have to check for country of origin and decide if you want to eat it or not. The USDA refuses to test,grocers refuse to reply to requests.The only true way of knowing your beef is really beef is to buy from a local butcher. WalMart imports beef from Canada and Mexico,both have horse slaughter. McDonalds imports beef from Argentina,also a horse slaughter country. Research yourself is the only way to know where your food comes from and if its safe. 8 Food Frauds: From Horse Meat to Olive Oil
See you in Tweet Land or on the Wall!