Camping Doesn’t Have to Suck: The Camping Checklist to Make it Awesome

Make your summer camping checklist now.

So, you want to go camping this summer. We think that’s a splendid idea! You’ll get to commune with nature, sleep in the great outdoors, and face various obstacles that you don’t have to deal with typically, which will challenge your mind… in a good way. Before you head out on the adventure of the summer, you may want to make a camping checklist that includes all the various camping materials you need. Because believe me — you don’t want to arrive at your destination without the proper stuff.

Pack properly

Basically, don’t pack too much, but don’t forget anything. Packing for a camping trip is an art. You need to bring your necessities but you also need to pack to protect yourself from various types of weather. Mother Earth News suggests adding the following to your camping checklist:

– A tent (don’t buy a tent that’s too big — you want one that’s just big enough for everyone coming along).

– Sleeping bag and a mat to protect your sleeping bag.

– Clothing and rain gear.

– Toilet paper and toiletries (including a first aid kit).

– Cooking equipment, water bottle, and lightweight food.

– Tools and a flashlight.

Pick the right campsite

Make sure your campsite is not located in a valley or on low ground. As the Mother Earth News article points out — you may not like having to travel up a hill to set up your campsite, but if it rains, the weather will “dampen” your trip.

Know how to handle your surroundings

This entry covers a lot. Before you leave, make certain you can identify annoying plants, such as poison ivy and oak. Also be certain that you know how to start and extinguish a campsite fire. And last but not least, keep your campsite clean and tidy to avoid unwanted visitors… We’re talking bears and other annoying critters of all shapes and sizes.

Do you go on a yearly camping trip? Where are some of your favorite places to camp? Have we forgotten anything on your camping checklist?

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Tent for camping image from Shutterstock
