DIY: Easy Coconut Milk Recipe

I love to cook with coconut milk, but hate buying the canned variety because there’s risk of BPA contamination. Even when buying BPA-free versions, I worry about the quality of the coconut milk and unnecessary additives and texturizers. A homemade coconut milk recipe is best because it guarantees a 100-percent honest, pure ingredients, and there are no cans to recycle!
It’s always good to have a vegan milk option under as part of your kitchen arsenal, both to boost your health and reduce your daily consumption of dairy. Depending on what’s available in your local grocery stores or what you find more cost-efficient, the following coconut milk recipes give you room to customize. Either way, you’ll know how to make coconut milk on your own, and will be that much closer to kicking your canned food habit good-bye!
1. Young Thai Coconut Milk Recipe
Makes 12-16 ounces, depending on coconut size
Directions: Open the coconut, pour the coconut water into a high-speed blender. Scoop out the flesh with a spoon and add it to the blender. Blend until smooth and creamy. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Note: If the coconut flesh is too hard, this recipe will not work well. Just compost the flesh and sip on the coconut water instead.
2. Coconut Chip Milk Recipe
Makes about 16 ounces
Directions: Put coconut chips in a blender. Bring the water to a boil and pour over the coconut chips. Allow to cool slightly before blending on high speed for about 2 minutes. The mixture should be thick and creamy. When cool enough to handle, pour the mixture through a strainer or cheesecloth, wringing the cloth towards the end to squeeze out the last of the milk. This helps to separate any chunky chips from the milk. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
Related on Organic Authority:
Get Cracking! 15 Unusual Ways to Use Coconut Milk
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Photo Credit: Dairy Free Foodie