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Check out why the milkman is making a comeback in the local dairy movement, and why you might want to…

Each week we share our favorite links from around the web. This week includes highlights from Experience Life, MightyNest, Blisstree,…

PETA has launched an anti-dairy campaign called "Got Zits?' aimed at dissuading dairy consumption in order to decrease animal cruelty…

Facing a decline in milk consumption in our nation's schools, the International Dairy Foods Association is hoping to add artificial…

Among the many considerations to avoiding the dreaded "fiscal cliff" is a 1949 farm law that could drive up the…

Pure Éire Dairy, located in Othello, Washington, is one of the few grass-only dairy farms in the United States. We…

Even though we drink more milk than ever, osteoporosis is actually on the rise — not declining at all. Is…

Chilled butter is essentially useless in the kitchen, and leaving butter out at room temperature is an age-old way to…

The next time your olfactory glands catch a whiff of something rank, it might be you that’s smelling up the…