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Environmental Working Group's 2014 'Dirty Dozen' and 'Clean Fifteen' shopping guides for pesticides in produce see apples top the list…

For all the confusion about diet and health, it turns out consumers are a lot smarter than they may seem…

As the biggest season for fresh fruits and vegetables rolls across the country, the Environmental Working Group has released The…

The Environmental Working Group released its 2011 Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen lists of the most and least pesticide-laden fruits…

We love the useful tips for a safe holiday kitchen from Senior Vice President for Research at the Environmental Working…

Expanding their annual list, the Environmental Working Group, a non-profit research organization, has released its eighth annual "Dirty Dozen Plus"…

Each week we share our favorite links from around the web. This week includes highlights from Experience Life, The Organic…

Pediatricians urge parents to reduce children's pesticide exposure through organic food and pesticide alternatives.

The Environmental Working Group's EWG's 2013 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce sees apples at the top of the list…