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March 23, 2012
Arysta Lifescience, manufacturer of Midas, the controversial methyl iodide fumigant used in California's strawberry production, recently announced that it is…
January 23, 2012
Methyl iodine, the neurotoxin chemical used to fumigate strawberry and tomato fields before planting, is at the heart of a…
October 2, 2011
Organic California strawberries are grown with prohibited chemicals violating organic regulations, claims the San Francisco based Pesticide Action Network and…
July 19, 2011
Load up while they're still here! New research that shows strawberries may help prevent alzheimer's, diabetes, cancer and other serious…
December 8, 2010
Over two dozen California legislators and more than 50 scientists objected to California's use of methyl iodide on strawberries, but…