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Rose petals are a DIY craft lovers darling, and reusing those soft, silky petals is a more worthy fate than…

The EPA estimates that the average American creates about 1,600 pounds of trash per year. Recycling is not enough… we…

Sometimes apartments can have some strange, err, features. Ancient radiators. 70s ceiling fans. Funk-ified kitchen cabinets. If you rent your…

Feel like you're being held hostage by the totally un-planet-friendly cat litter box fillers available at your local store? Help…

We all love nail polish but those chemicals - not so much. If you're finally ready to say buh-bye to…

Oodles of junk mail cascading all over your tabletop may have you reaching for the garbage can when in fact…

Did you know that there are a whole new crop of eco-themed books designed to inspire and awaken environmental stewardship…

Does your eco-conscious get a do-gooder boost when you find new ways to reuse old items? Then you'll be eager…