Is the Nutella Bar a Foodie’s Ultimate Dream Come True?
A man walks into a Nutella bar…
Who cares how the rest of that line goes, I know what you’re all thinking: Nutella bars are a thing now?
Nutella bars in the plural sense might not be taking over the country yet, but thanks to Mario Batali, if you’re in Chicago you can take full advantage of this hazelnut infused foodie dream.
In his new Eatly Chicago (63,000 square feet of Italian foodie bliss, or at least foodie bliss this side of the Atlantic; you can get gelato and pesce after all), there is in fact a Nutella bar.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a place that you can saddle up to – it’s a stand up bar – and order as much creamy, hazelnut, chocolate spread as your heart desires. The idea is of course to order a variety of Nutella treats, crepes and such, but given the mega stock of Nutella, I’m sure you can work your way through an entire jar if you really feel the need. Don’t deny it, you’re dreaming of a warm crepe with Nutella oozing out both sides aren’t you?
Stripped down to the essentials, Nutella isn’t so bad: it’s chocolate and hazelnuts. No one is going to knock a good nut butter. But take a look at the additives and you’ll quickly see why marketing the popular Italian spread as a healthy and natural doesn’t quite work, and why your love affair with Nutella just might be dwindling.
Even better than the Nutella bar? Kick the processed stuff to the curb and start making it yourself. DIY Nutella is as easy as throwing hazelnuts, cocoa powder, as well as a bit of sugar and oil in a food processor. No matter how tempting that Nutella bar is, you’ll never look back.
Related on Organic Authority
How ‘Natural’ is Nutella?
5 Nut Butter Spreads That Are Nuttin’ but Delicious
How to Use Hazelnuts, Macadamias, Pistachios and More Nut Recipes for Autumn
Image: Enrico Metteuttci