Viva La Revolución! Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Day Is May 19th

Chef Jamie Oliver has designated May 19th as the first-ever ‘Food Revolution Day’ in order for communities to come together to share information, talent, resources—and most importantly—to bring awareness to the food issues our world faces. Events will be taking place all across the globe, and it’s not too late to host your own!

Oliver is best known known for his rebellious whatever-it-takes attitude on the recently cancelled TV series, Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, bringing attention to the many issues in our modern food system—particularly as it affects children. Obesity now affects 1 in 5 children, and overall obesity rates have nearly tripled since 1980. Nearly 3 million people worldwide die each year as a result of obesity and diet-related illness. “Somewhere along the line, our relationship with food broke down,” said Jamie Oliver in a statement. “On May 19, I urge you to stand up for real food and pledge to bring food education back into our schools, workplaces and communities. Host a dinner party or sign up for one of the great events happening across the world. Cooking with real ingredients, understanding where food comes from and passing along that knowledge will get us back on track.”

At the heart of the event is inspiring people to cook homemade meals from scratch, which can help make healthy food choices easier. By showcasing simple, seasonal and fresh meal options in a number of different capacities, Oliver’s Food Revolution Day aims to spark conversations and actions all across the globe that lean toward healthier eating and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Food Revolution Day is aligning schools, businesses, chefs, restaurants and foodies to take steps toward healthy food and lifestyle education with emphasis on fresh, local food, and has received support from celebrities including actress Natalie Portman and late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel. Anyone can participate by hosting a dinner party, an educational event like a workshop, seminar or cooking demo, or simply by attending a scheduled event in your area. The Food Revolution Day website has an event locator that can help you find an event near you.

Keep in touch with Jill on Twitter @jillettinger
