Kate Hudson Says Going Vegan Finally Cleared Her Stubborn Acne

Kate Hudson Credits This Diet with Finally Clearing Her Acne
image via Kate Hudson

We all feel a weird sense of satisfaction (or solidarity) when a gorgeous celebrity declares she doesn’t have perfect skin—especially if she offers up-close evidence on The ‘Gram. But when actress Kate Hudson says she struggles with acne, it’s just unbelievable. Perhaps it’s those Fabletics commercials where she’s doing high kicks sans sweat, or the fact that she’s the human embodiment of luminizing highlighter. But apparently, she gets pimples—and there’s only been one lasting solution thus far: a vegan diet.

“When I went vegan last summer, my skin was the best it’s ever been—skin tone, pores, everything,” Hudson told Vogue.com, adding that she’s had a hard time figuring out why her skin randomly breaks out.

If you’re a vegan, rejoice! (Or get a little smug.) This isn’t a revelation to you, but it reinforces to people of all dietary preferences how important—no, imperative—our photosynthesizing friends are to our physical wellbeing. Hudson didn’t reveal if she eats her plants raw, but either way a vegan diet bathes your body with most of the nutrients it needs to function optimally: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-cancer compounds, to name a few.

There are plenty of studies that back the benefits of going vegan. A 2014 study connected vegan diets to healthier guts while another study last year indicated vegans may be less prone to cancer and heart disease than those who eat meat and dairy.

So, when you follow the Father of Medicine’s advice, “Let food be thy medicine,” your outer shell will express its gratitude by giving you a Hudson-like glow. In fact, think of your skin as your body’s secret language. When it looks great, it means your body is satisfied with the nutrients you’re feeding it. When your skin is breaking out, lackluster, or so sensitive the air makes it sting, your body is pissed.

Of course, a full-on vegan diet doesn’t provide certain nutrients in amounts you need. Vegans tend to be more deficient in vitamin B12, iron, and substances from animal fats like omega-3s. And many people believe plant-based diets may not deliver sufficient vitamins A, D, or K2 either. So whether you’re a vegan, a carnivore, or anywhere in between, make sure you get these into your system.

Interestingly enough, Hudson mentioned the Paleo diet, which allows you to eat like a caveman (so meats, fish, leafy greens, regional vegetables, nuts, and seeds), wasn’t as nice to her skin. There’s a lot of talk out there linking red meat to muddy complexions, so this isn’t too surprising.

We’re not saying that adopting a vegan diet is the only avenue to beautiful skin. The point is to increase your plant intake, period. This might not be the fun news you were hoping for, but even Hudson gets it: “Food’s so good when it’s naughty, but the truth is, you’ve got to eat healthy!”

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