Michelle Obama’s “Chefs Move to Schools” Program

The White House has a plan to get better food to students! Man oh man, it would’ve been nice if Bush or Clinton had thought of this back when I was in school.

The First Lady announced a new program that should help get healthier and tastier food in public schools. Around the country, chefs will be given the opportunity to “adopt” local schools and help renovate their menus. I’m foreseeing dumpsters full of fried chicken patties and italian dunkers.

This is what the White House has to say about the program:

“Chefs Move to Schools” will pair chefs with schools in their communities to bring fun to fruits and vegetables, and teach kids about food, nutrition and cooking in an engaging way. And by working with school food service employees, administrators and teachers — chefs can help deliver these messages from the cafeteria to the classroom.

I’ve worked in a summer camp kitchen, and I know how the processed, fried, and unhealthy food can be tempting from the cook’s point of view, just because it’s so easy to make. That’s why it’s so smart to bring in trained chefs to share their skills and knowledge with students. I’m cautiously optimistic. There are a lot of bad habits that kids gain in school—this program won’t affect the fact that there are tons of junk food vending machines in our schools—but this seems like a step in the right direction.
