Obama Served Gulf Seafood, But Is It Safe to Eat?

It might not sound appetizing, but seafood from the Gulf of Mexico was the main course at Pres. Obama’s White House birthday bash on Sunday, and the guests ate it up.

I understand that the president wants to support Louisiana fishers, but think about it for a minute: over 200 million gallons of oil escaped from the Deepwater Horizon well in the Gulf of Mexico by the time it was capped in mid-July. By July 19, BP had poured 1.8 million gallons of chemical dispersant into the Gulf. My point is that there’s a lot of crude oil and chemicals floating around in the Gulf right now. Doesn’t any of that stuff get into the fish that live and breathe in that water?

The FDA says it’s OK because the chemical dispersant (Corexit) doesn’t accumulate significantly in fish tissue. But because it is only “moderately” toxic, they haven’t checked the fish for presence of the chemical. 

Obama tried Gulf seafood and said it’s delicious, but on the OrganicAuthority Facebook page, some of our friends were skeptical of the FDA’s proclamation—to put it mildly. What do you think? Is gulf seafood safe to eat?

Image Credit: Mccun934
