Sites We Like: Green City Living
Our friends are talking about cool eco-friendly stuff happening in big cities. We just had to share!
Tonic covers the latest trend in green transportation: bike share programs. Major cities in Europe, Asia, Australia, and even the USA are catching on. Healthy, trendy, and green. Nice!
The NRDC’s Switchboard blog has a post on agricultural urbanism, which is all the rage, complete with cool CG images of the neighborhoods of the future. I know I’d like to have a garden in the center of my block.
EcoSalon shares more cool ideas about urban farming. Did you know that by the middle of the century, our population will increase by 3 billion, and around 80 percent of people will live in urban areas. So why not build a farm tower on Lake Michigan, right next to downtown Chicago?
City living isn’t for everyone. If you’re more interested in the countryside, read Maria Rodale’s 10 fabulous finds in Maine for independent bookstores, quaint restaurants, and wonderful citronella candles.
Image credit: Trodel