Honeydew Melon
Season for Honeydew Melon
Honeydew Melon Described
How to Buy and Store Honeydew Melon
How to Cook Honeydew Melon
Health Benefits of Honeydew Melon
Why Buy Natural and Organic Honeydew Melon
Season for Honeydew Melon May – October
Honeydew Melon Described
The sweetest of the melons, Honeydew can be delectable with its pale green flesh when eaten at the peak of its ripeness. This succulent member of the Muskmelon family may fall by the wayside next to its Watermelon and Cantaloupe cousins nowadays, but the ancient Egyptians prized this fruit thousands of years ago, and ages before that in Persia, where the muskmelon is thought to have originated. The slightly oval honeydew is distinguished by a smooth, creamy-yellow rind and extraordinarily juicy and sweet flesh, ranging in weight from 4 to 8 pounds.
How to Buy and Store Honeydew Melon
The trick is to purchase a melon that wasn’t picked prematurely. For once picked, its flesh won’t get any sweeter. It will however become softer and juicier at home. Perfectly ripe Honeydews will have an almost indistinguishable wrinkling on the skin’s surface, often detectable only by touch. Choose one that’s very heavy for its size. Avoid melons that are too firm, too soft, have dark blemishes on the skin or green-colored skin.
Uncut Honeydew melon can be kept at room temperature for two to four days or until ripe. Ripe Honeydews can be refrigerated for an additional five days. Cut melons should be placed in a covered container and refrigerated for no more than three days. Keep in mind that Honeydews have a strong odor that will saturate other foods.
How to Cook Honeydew Melon
Honeydew sometimes forms the bulk of fruit salads… and often to an eater’s disappointment. Instead of using them as filler, feature Honeydews on their own where they can shine. Slice and serve after dinner or slice into yogurt or cereal. Wash Honeydew in warm soapy water prior to cutting to eliminate impurities on the rind that can be transferred from the knife to the melon’s flesh (especially if you didn’t buy organic!). Then, slice the Honeydew in half and remove the seeds and strings (you could stuff your half Honeydew… cottage cheese?). Honeydew can be cut into halves, quarters, wedges, cubes or scooped into balls with a melon baller. It will benefit from a squeeze of lemon or lime juice to enhance the flavor. Be sure to serve at room temperature.
Health Benefits of Honeydew Melon
Honeydew was considered a sacred fruit by ancient Egyptians for more than simply its taste. It’s benefits are a juicy sweetness full of nutrients that nourish healthy skin, lower blood pressure and ease muscle cramps. Honeydew also makes for a great diet food and source of vitamin C. In Honeydew, you’ll find Vitamin B6, Folate and Potassium, making for a great beauty food. No wonder… Cleopatra.
Why Buy Natural and Organic Honeydew Melon
According to the Environmental Working Group, Honeydew Melon ranks among the “Clean Fifteen,” or fruits safest to eat when conventionally grown. That said, nearly 60 percent of Honeydews had detectable pesticides! Only 14.2 percent of samples contained more than one residue, which is why they got their “clean” ranking. Of course, purchasing organically-grown fruits and vegetables is about more than avoiding chemicals in your own body. Honeydew that has been grown with pesticides contaminates our soil, air and waterways. So, we say purchase your ripe, juicy Honeydew from the farmers market from an organic farmer for the tastiest melon experience.
image: Muffet