Meet Small Batch Cosmetics, Your New Beauty Obsession

Whether you are looking for specialty beauty items, funky packaging, or simply want the freshest of the fresh, small batch cosmetics may be your new fave thing. It’s trending in food, why not beauty?
It’s not news that avoiding harmful cosmetic ingredients is the healthiest choice. Not only are nontoxic products less likely to lead to scary diseases, but can benefit less severe issues, like skin sensitivity and headaches.
We are also aware that it is up to us as consumers to watch out for these nasty ingredients. Except for a handful of the most harmful chemicals, the FDA does not ban toxins from cosmetic products. Out of the 10,000+ ingredients used to make cosmetic and personal care products, only about 89 percent have been assessed for safety. Dismal news, but proof that we must read those labels before purchasing. It really is up to us to look out for our own safety.
Another area of concern surrounding cosmetic products are those ingredient listings. Cosmetics manufacturers are responsible for accurate listings of ingredients on product labels. No government accountability required. This is why organic beauty and health experts advise consumers to follow brands they can trust.
In this muddled world of under-regulated cosmetics and personal care products, how are we to know which brands can be trusted? With terms like “natural”, “safe”, and even “organic” plastered on the fronts of product after product these days, it can be a puzzle.
There are a few things to look for when sizing up the safety of a beauty brand. Reading a brand’s ingredient commitment is a good place to start, as is checking out a few product ingredient listings. One of the first red flags when vetting a new brand is no clear and readily available ingredient listings. If it only offers “key ingredients”, or you can’t find a listing at all, be wary of its claims.
Another good way to choose a brand is by how it produces its products. Mass production means the products must have a long shelf life. A long shelf life means they are likely either full of chemical preservatives or are not properly preserved. Either way, not good.
You have probably heard of small batch cosmetics. It is kind of a hot term these days, and for good reason. Products produced in smaller batches are fresher. And, as with food, fresher is better.
So what, exactly, does small batch mean? Producers of small batch cosmetics create products in, as the name implies, smaller batches to provide the safest, freshest user experience. Most will add a best-by date to products to further ensure safety.
Another reason to go small batch? These brands tend to focus on specialized products, like those for specific skin concerns, vegan, or gluten-free. Small batch cosmetics more easily lend themselves to the indie, out-of-the-ordinary vibe.
Etsy has a growing group of small batch cosmetics producers. There are many quality products being sold there. Fig + Yarrow got its start on Etsy and French Girl Organics can still be found there.
You can find small batch cosmetics at larger retailers too. Dr. Alkaitis, Yarok, Yuli, and Vered Organic Botanicals all meet the small batch description.
So, yes. There is benefit in purchasing small batch cosmetics. Just remember to read product ingredient listings and keep an eye out for brands you can trust. Have questions? Ask away!
*Disclaimer: Help support Organic Authority! Our site is dedicated to helping people live a conscious lifestyle. We’ve provided some affiliate links above in case you wish to purchase any of these products.
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Image of small batch skincare via Shutterstock