New York City: Eco Nightclub One Night Only!

The Essentia Mattress Company is transforming their brand new New York City showcase location into an “eco nightclub” on Tuesday March 15th to benefit the non profit organization, Global Green USA.

The Montreal based mattress company, Essentia, has been a leading voice in environmentally-friendly bedding, especially for children since their inception in 2006. They are honoring the work of Global Green USA as well as opening the doors to the newest green building and their store on 34th Street in New York City.

Global Green USA is the American Arm of Green Cross International (GCI), which was created by President Mikhail S. Gorbachev to foster a global value shift toward a sustainable and secure future by reconnecting humanity with the environment. According to the Global Green USA Web site, they are “working to address some of the greatest challenges facing humanity. In the United States our work is primarily focused on fighting global climate change through our green affordable housing initiatives, National Green Schools Initiative, national and regional green building policies, advocacy and education.”

Essentia’s proprietary mattresses are formulated as a result of more than 3 years of research and development to fine tune their technical features and manufacturing processes.

The Essentia natural memory foam mattresses and pillows are handcrafted and designed so that each layer of foam and latex within the mattress work together harmoniously to create a unified surface that reacts naturally with each person’s unique body.

The Essentia Grand Opening Global Green USA event is free to attend, but donations are suggested. Learn more about the event here.
