Sex Tips for Doing it in the Heat of Summer

The temperature is rising and so is your libido. What is it about the summertime season that makes us all so sexy? Is it the sunshine? Warm weather? Vacation days? Outdoor events? Whatever the reason, sex in the summer is an appealing way to spend an evening… or morning… or afternoon. Get your groove on this season and be smart about it to make sex in the summer even better following these sex tips for summer lovemaking.
DO Try These Sex Tips
1. DO IT. If you’re in a long-term relationship, have you been putting sex on the backburner? Summer is the perfect time to bring that dish to the front. Make making love a priority and reconnect with each other.
2. DO have sex outdoors in a private, secluded place with no one else around. Find a campsite under the stars, a mountaintop or an empty meadow of tall grass. Become one with nature and each other.
3. DO try something new – and not just in the bedroom. Summertime provides plenty of settings for novelty, fun and excitement: amusement parks, music concerts, day trips and outdoor picnics. Experience something new together and let it translate between the sheets.
4. DO take a romantic trip. Even if it’s just a day trip to a nearby city or a staycation in your hometown, summer is the ideal season for an impromptu vacation in bed.
5. DO book a couples massage to get into the mood. When is the last time you treated yourself to a pampering massage? Take care of yourself and each other with a special treatment at the spa.
6. DO sleep naked. It’s so hot – and so are you. Ditch the pajamas, sleep in your birthday suit and wake up feeling sexy.
7. DO say yes to a date that you might have turned down if you’re single. Summer is the perfect time to be open and carefree. Go out and have fun.
8. DO use protection. Always. Unless on your DO list is baby making.
9.DO enjoy the moment! The season will be over before you know it. Life is short, and so is summertime.
DON’T Do These!
10. DON’T have sex on the beach. Perhaps the most overrated sex destination ever, a romp on the beach is guaranteed to get sand in places that you’ve never dreamed of.
11. DON’T fall asleep naked outdoors after having sex. Even if you don’t get busted, the sunshine on your previously unexposed body parts can leave a nasty burn.
12, DON’T have sex in the summer in the pool or hot tub, unless you own them. And even then, be careful – the chlorinated water can wash away your natural lubrication and lead to irritation.
13. DON’T get busy on the hiking trail. Head into the woods (remembering your way back) and make sure you’re alone. You don’t want to be mid-thrust when a family of backpackers comes traipsing down the trail.
14. DON’T have sex in the airplane bathroom on the way to your vacation. It’s gross, illegal, and everyone knows exactly what you are doing.
15. DON’T let your body hang-ups keep you from going to a pool party or beach picnic. You are a beautiful person – show some skin!
What are your favorite sex tips for summer?
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Image: late night movie