5 Ways to Get Your pH Balance with Low Acid Foods

green smoothie

Excess acidity in the body can become a dangerous environment that weakens all bodily systems, creating the ideal conditions for disease. When excess acids need to be neutralized, we use the body’s alkaline reserves, leaving us in a weakened state. Keeping a pH balance in your body is crucial to your overall health.

The pH (potential of hydrogen), is a measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution and it’s measured on a scale of 0 to 14. The lower the pH, the more acidic the solution, the higher the pH, the more alkaline the solution. When a solution is neither alkaline nor acidic, it has a pH of 7, which is considered neutral.

Most people have a pH that’s far too acidic, which can result in the breakdown of a number of bodily systems. This can cause cardiovascular damage, premature aging, weight gain, kidney stones, free radical damage, joint pain, and slow digestion. You can test your body’s pH with a saliva or urine test and if it’s below a pH of 6.5, you should take steps to balance excessive acidity.

5 Ways to Eat a Low Acid Diet

1. Alkalize with green foods.

Leafy greens are great for alkalizing the body’s pH. Start your morning with a green juice made with kale, lemon, celery, and an apple for sweetness. Or consider a green smoothie with coconut water, spinach, and mango.

2. Avoid meat.

Mostly all meats are considered very acidic foods. No meat is considered alkaline, and beef, shellfish, and pork are the most acidic. Choose more alkaline protein sources like tofu and quinoa.

3. Add in magnesium.

Easily absorbed, magnesium can help build buffers for the body against too much acidity. Magnesium is lost in the urine of those with too much acidity in their bodies.

4. Choose alkaline fruits and vegetables.

Alkaline fruits include lemon, watermelon, lime, grapefruit, mango, and papaya. On the other hand, the most acidic fruits include cranberries, blackberries, and prunes. Most vegetables are alkaline but the most alkalizing include asparagus, onions, parsley, raw spinach, broccoli, and garlic.

5. Skip coffee and booze.

Coffee, alcohol, and soda are all very acidic to the body so consider substituting them for herbal teas or lemon water.

Related on Organic Authority

Alkaline Foods: Are You Eating Enough?

How to Not Hate Green Juices

The ‘Miracle Mineral’ that Is Magnesium

Image: elana’s pantry
