Watch Out CrossFit! MovNat Is The New Paleo Workout

When it comes to the paleo lifestyle, what’s on your plate isn’t the only thing that’s important. While many paleo dieters have embraced the CrossFit workout, there’s another workout that may be even more in line with the ideals behind the primal or paleo way of approaching food. MovNat, a workout designed by Frenchman Erwan Le Corre.
What is MovNat?
Like CrossFit, MovNat’s goal is to pursue the idea of “true fitness.” Much in the way that paleo attempts to create a diet based on what our prehistoric ancestors ate, Le Corre’s research was intended to develop a fitness program that mimics the natural range of motion of the human body… which makes for an interesting workout to say the least!
Practicing MovNat
Unlike CrossFit, MovNat has been compared to parkour… though it doesn’t take place in the city. MovNat is often practiced in the forest and includes a combination of an assumed 13 innate skills:
1. walking
2. running
3. jumping
4. balancing
5. crawling
6. climbing
7. swimming
8. liftng
9. carrying
10. throwing
11. catching
12. striking
13. grappling
In combining these innate skills, MovNat’s workouts try to encompass the active lifesyles of our prehistoric ancestors.
Le Corre was influenced by workouts and activities from all over the world, including jiu jitsu, freerunning and martial arts to create the MovNat workout, making it not only a great workout on its own, but also an excellent addition to conditioning for other sports and activities, creating balance in your fitness routine.
How to Start?
If you’re tired of CrossFit and interested in starting a MovNat regimen, or just want to learn about the workout, try some of MovNat’s affiliated gyms. Even in cities that don’t have one, ask around, particularly in paleo circles, to see if anyone is an accredited instructor. In order to practice MovNat, you don’t need any special equipment, so once you know the right people, getting started is easy!
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Image: justtoolazy