EPA Fails to Ban Toxic Flea Collars That Can Harm Kids and Pets

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) says that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has failed to ban toxic pet products that can harm children. EPA has denied the NRDC’s petition to ban pet care products containing the neurotoxin tetrachlovinphos (TCVP) after it claims that the agency dragged its feet for nearly a decade on the issue.
“EPA continues to put the cognitive development of millions of pet-loving kids at risk. Unfortunately, EPA has once again relied on faulty assumptions and extrapolations that don’t reflect the vulnerability of kids,” Miriam Rotkin-Ellman, senior scientist with the NRDC said in a statement.
“Brain and nervous system-harming chemicals, like TCVP, are too dangerous to have in our homes, on our pets, and around our kids. Allowing them to stay on the market based on shoddy assessments is irresponsible. Families shouldn’t have to worry about the products available at their local pet store. EPA’s failure to protect kids is unacceptable,” Rotkin-Ellman said.
Parents and pet owners will have to take it upon themselves to avoid such products using NRDC’s GreenPaws Flea and Tick Product Directory.
In February 2014, NRDC filed a lawsuit against EPA to force the agency to respond to NRDC’s petition to cancel use of the chemicals propoxur and TCVP because of concerns that they can harm a child’s developing brain and nervous system. While EPA did announce an agreement with Sergeant’s Pet Care Products to cancel use of propoxur, it did not include TCVP.
Because flea collars are designed to leave pesticide residue on a pet’s fur, these chemicals can also end up on a child’s hands, which in turn, can end up in their mouths.
The Humane Society of the United States also asked that the agency ban TCVP because it can harm animals. Hartz, as you might imagine opposed the ban, commenting to EPA that the NRDC’s study on TCVP was invalid. Even if EPA doesn’t act, you can by shopping to protect your family.
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Image: Don LaVange