Green Smoothie or Green Juice? Decisions, Decisions…
The green drink has grown in popularity in recent years, and for good reason. Green drinks are a concentrated form of nutrition. Juicing or blending greens with fruits and veggies infuses your body’s cells with living enzymes, easily assimilable nutrients, and alkalinity. That’s why a green drink makes for the perfect morning beverage, as it’s the first thing to enter your body and sets you up for a bright day. However, there are notable distinctions between a green smoothie and a green juice. Both have their benefits and their limitations and which one is best for you depends on your personal preferences and needs.
It’s no secret that green leaves are a healthy addition to the diet. Greens provide a slew of benefits to the body, but in a nutshell, they also oxygenate and cleanse blood cells, which are the root to overall health. The knockoff benefits of eating greens are holistic and infinite in nature, from glowing skin to cancer prevention. It truly pays to sip on a green smoothie or juice each morning. Do so on an empty stomach for optimal benefits.
The main difference between a typical green smoothie and green juice is that a smoothie is made by blending green leaves with other fruits and vegetables and a green juice is made by extracting the fiber from green leaves and other add-ins. This means that a green smoothie still contains the fibers of the fresh produce while a green juice does not.
Fiber is essential for the body’s digestive processes and a green smoothie is thus a great way to promote regularity whilst satiating hunger. However, even though a green juice does not contain fiber, once consumed, it immediately gets absorbed into your blood stream and acts as a shower of cleansing enzymes and nutrients to your body, allowing your digestive system to take a break in the process.
If you require more bulk in the morning and are looking to up the ante on your fiber intake, opt for a green smoothie. But if you prefer a lighter breakfast, or simply want to replace your morning coffee with something more hydrating and caffeine-free, go for a green juice. Because a green juice has a more immediate affect on your blood sugar levels, try to keep the fruits to a minimum, either by replacing them with low-sugary fruits, such as green apples, or with sugary root vegetables, such as carrots and beets. The following green smoothie and green juice recipes are a great start to incorporating a green drink into your lifestyle.
Green Juice
Makes about 16 ounces
- 6-8 kale leaves, with stalks
- 1 large cucumber
- 1 lemon
- 2 medium carrots
- 1 green apple
Juice all, starting with the kale leaves and ending with the cucumber. Stir and enjoy!
Green Smoothie
Makes about 16 ounces
- 2 large handfuls of spinach leaves
- 1 large, very ripe banana (peeled and frozen)
- 1 cup of water
- 1/2 cup of frozen fruit of choice (berries, mango, etc.)
Blend all in a blender until smooth. Serve and enjoy!
Photo Credit: Green juice from Shutterstock