Laura’s Favs: Tweets and Comments (January 17, 2014)
Happy Friday everyone! If you’re new to OA, we like to take time once a week to thank our fans for all the posts, comments, and tweets they contribute.
Remember to follow us on Pinterest and Google+ to stay up to date on all our social networks! Thank you all! 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!
If you have any thoughts or ideas about how we can improve, please share.
Here are some of our favorite social network highlights from the week:
Mud Baron @Cocoxochitl: Well??? #duh!!! RT @OrganicAuthorit: ‘Field to Market’ Program is Not Sustainable: It’s Big Ag’s Latest Lie
Taylor Stone@taylorstoneinc: @TNiaMiller@OrganicAuthorit We do too!! All our products are scented with good for you EO! [Artificial Fragrances are Poison: 99 Reasons to Stop Wearing Perfume ] @GFreeRadio: @OrganicAuthorit good stuff thanks for sharing! [5 Gluten-Free Flour Alternatives for Delicious Baked Goods ]
meg pearson @MAPWellness: Fun! RT @OrganicAuthorit: 23 DIY Repurpose Projects for Almost Anything: From Coffee Filters to Toilet Paper Tubes
Desireé Reese @dreese1612: @OrganicAuthorit My biggest tip is using coupons. I am not extreme but still save $40 or more each week. [11 Sneaky Ways to #SaveMoney ]
Our Facebook Favs of the Week:
- Earth Friendly Goodies My girls are always collecting toilet paper tubes for art projects- they’ll love this one=) [23 DIY Projects: Repurpose Almost Anything, From Coffee Filters to Toilet Paper Tubes ]
- Karen Bocchino Callahan My fav. condiment!!! [DIY Sriracha: 11 Recipes to Make (and Use) Your Own Sriracha Rooster Sauce ]
- Mrs. Green’s World Great post. [3 Innovative Food Waste Management Strategies for Cities]
- Steve Allat Research isnt needed! Just organic, non-monoculture farming where the bees can do what they do. It ain’t rocket science, it is simply getting out of nature’s way : ) [EPA Seeks to Save Honey Bee Populations by Funding Major Research]
- Elene Weber Rinker Nooooo! WTH? What is wrong with the USDA? I forgot, it is funded by Monsanto. [USDA to Approve Agent Orange 2,4-D-Resisant GMO Seeds]
See you in Tweet Land or on the Wall!