Laura’s Weekly Round Up (July 28, 2010)

Things have really heated up at OrganicAuthority. We have a whole new look, design and feel, and we’re featured in Oprah Magazine! If you haven’t given our new design a test drive, here’s what you can expect to find.

  • The Foodie Buzz section brings you the latest in foodie news, including some “freaky food stuff” (you know like Franken foods, or food recalls).
  • The Eco Chic Table is your “go to” eco entertaining section, complete with Mojo Foods and Juicy Spirits.
  • Looking for delicious recipes? Come chill in our kitchen as we test drive the best recipes in our Healthy Recipe section and chat about the organic lifestyle.
  • In the Kitchen Garden you’ll discover how to grow your own delicious foods (think, super affordable organic foods!) .
  • Energetic Health is all about how to live your most energetic life, whether it’s eating specific foods or throwing in a few Yoga backbends into your exercise routine to spike your energy (trust me it works!).

Here’s a short list of some of my favorite new content on OA that are must reads!

Is The Old Spice Guy Vegan?

I have to admit it, the Old Spice commercials and viral videos make me laugh! But is he really going Vegan? You be the judge!

Found in Translation: The Real Margarita

If you want to know how to make a real delicious margarita this is a must read!

Creating a Kitchen Garden for Free

Gotta love this! People are always complaining about the high price of organic food. Now you can grow your own practically for free!

Health By Dark Chocolate

If you didn’t know you can eat chocolate daily, without getting fat, you are missing out. In fact if you eat the right kind of chocolate (think at least 70% cocoa and if you can make it raw) it is actually considered a super food. Bring on the chocolate baby!

Table Salt vs Sea Salt

One of my biggest pet peeves in the kitchen in table salt. When you taste table and sea salt side by side, you will notice there is a HUGE difference. Overused table salt and over salted processed products have given salt a bad rap. When used properly delicious sea salt delicately enhances the flavors of any dish and doesn’t overpower it like table salt.

OrganicAuthority in Oprah Magazine?

You bet! I’m also thrilled to share, we made it into the Oprah Magazine! We’re featured in the article 12 Ways to Eat Well on a Budget, in their online magazine and on newsstands.

Laura Klein is a trained chef with roots in the organic food movement and brings intelligence, intoxicating energy and... More about Laura Klein, Chef & Wellness Expert
