5 Retro Cocktail Recipes to Make at Home

Retro Cocktail Recipes, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

Retro has never been so hot. From the popularity of shows like Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Mad Men, speakeasy cocktail bars popping up everywhere, to form-fitting ’50s fashion suddenly everywhere. But you don’t actually have to go out to enjoy a retro cocktail; here are five retro cocktail recipes to make at home. If you don’t have a cocktail shaker, just improvise with a large glass or kitchen jar.

Kick back and relax in vintage style, sip your snazzy cocktail, and imagine what life was like before we were all so connected, mediated, and plugged in.

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1. Tom Collins

Tom Collin Drinks, Wiki Commons
Credit: Wiki Commons

2. Sidecar

Sidecar Drink, Pexels
Credit: Pexels

3. Hot Toddy

Hot Toddy, Pexels
Credit: Pexels

4. Manhattan

Manhattan, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash

5. Gimlet

Gin Gimlet, Google Images
Credit: Google Images

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More Retro Recipes, Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash
Nikole Stewart is a writer and editor with experience writing keen articles on topics such as pop culture and ... More about Nikole Stewart