3 Ideas for What to Plant in August: It’s Not Too Late for a Summer Herb Garden!

kitchen garden

We know how it is. You started saying to yourself way back in May, “Hmm… I should really get to planting my summer herb garden!” And then in June… “Gee… is it getting too late to plant?” Now it’s August, and some of you may think it’s all over for this year. Not so! Check out our guide to what to plant in August, and you’ll be basking in the glow of your favorite summer herbs before you know it.

1. Plant Plants, Not Seeds

It might be tough to get plants started from seeds, but grab some seedlings, and you could be well on your way. Repot herbs from the small containers you buy them in for best results; you can transfer them either into pots, right into the ground, or into a windowsill planter for a windowsill garden. Some plants are even easier to start from plants, like lavender and bay, so take advantage of your late start and get some of these herbs into the soil, especially since both can be dried and used later.

Just be sure when selecting seedlings that you pay close attention to the previous grower. You may be taking care of your plants without the use of pesticides or herbicides, but the person who grew the seedlings might have had other ideas in mind. Choose an organic nursery like the Natural Gardening Company to source your plants.

2. Choose Hardier Herbs

One of the major downfalls of planting in August is the heat. Heat can damage or kill more delicate herbs like cilantro, and then you might end up more discouraged than when you started. Pick hardy herbs like mint, thyme or chives or herbs that need a lot of light and prefer dry days, like sage and rosemary, to take full advantage of August’s heat and dry spells.

3. Start Planning for Fall

Just because summer is still marching forward doesn’t mean you can’t start looking to fall for inspiration. Depending on the climate, you may be able to start planting some fall herbs that will thrive all winter long, including both curly and Italian parsley. If you’re using window boxes that can be brought inside, you may also want to pick herbs that will thrive indoors once the summer days are gone and your winter herb garden takes the lead.

It’s never too late to get a bit of green going, so roll up your sleeves and break out your trowel — this planting season is far from over!

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Herb garden image via Shutterstock

Emily Monaco is a food and culture writer based in Paris. Her work has been featured in the Wall ... More about Emily Monaco