5 Super Low-Maintenance Indoor Succulents for Seriously Chill Room Goals

5 Low-Maintenance Succulents
Credit: iStock/KatarzynaBialasiewicz

Now that being a #crazyplantlady is cool, there’s no excuse not to fill your space with beautiful and air-purifying indoor houseplants. If you can’t keep greenery alive, however, go with aesthetically pleasing and low-maintenance indoor succulents, which offer gorgeous textures, shapes, and colors for every room in your home.

Keeping indoor succulents alive is a cinch. Succulents thrive on little water and lots of neglect, so watering the plants too much is a surefire way to quickly kill them. Water succulents when their leaves appear to be dry, or if the soil is very dry to the touch.

Aim to water your indoor succulents once a week, if that, and wait until soil is completely dry before watering again. As for the soil, succulents grow best in well-draining sandy soil. Many plant pros swear by mixing equal parts sand with organic soil for the ultimate succulent-loving dirt mixture.

Indoor succulents require lots of bright light and thrive best when exposed to six or more hours of light per day. Keep the succulents out of direct light, however, as their leaves can burn.

These five indoor succulents are easy to grow, easy to find, and definitely Instagram home space worthy.

indoor succulents
Bubble sedum leaves with a blue tint

1. Burro’s Tail (Sedum morganianum)

With thick, plump leaves and cascading green branches, the burro’s tail succulent is a beautiful addition to tops of bookcases and bright home corners.

This seriously beautiful succulent grows best when hanging in a basket far out of reach of fingers, as just a slight touch will make the plant shed a leaf.

indoor succulents
Houseleek plant (sempervivum) in pot on wooden background

2. Hens and Chicks (Sempervivum tectorumor Echeveria elegans)

Easy to care for and even easier to propagate, hens and chick succulents are cute décor additions for bright, light rooms.

FYI, the name hens and chicks comes from the succulent’s unusual growth pattern. The hen, or mother succulent, sends off little growths, the chicks, that cluster around the mother plant. These chicks can easily be repotted to form new hens and chicks or left to form a beautiful cluster of succulents.

indoor succulents
crassula flower in white pot on windowsill

3. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)

The jade plant is thought to bring good luck to those who grow it. Luck aside; jade plants are beautiful succulents that require bright light and well draining soil.

Unlike other succulents, however, many recommend to not let jade plants dry out in between watering and instead water when the topsoil feels dry to the touch. Place this succulent in your office, bedroom, or living space for lots of luck – and good looks.

indoor succulents
Green aloe vera in white pot

4. Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)

Not only does aloe vera look gorgeous with its tall spiny leaves, it’s a great plant to keep around for medicinal purposes. Aloe vera’s leaves contain a clear, viscous gel when cut into. When applied topically, aloe vera gel can help to soothe sunburns and burns, heal wounds, heal cold sores, and reduce puffy eyes.

Aloe vera leaves can also be consumed (remove their spines and blend them in a smoothie, or juice them like Shay Mitchell) and are thought to aid in hydration, digestive function, and boost the immune system.

indoor succulents
White wall decoration with a picture frame, clock and plants

5. Snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Looking for the most low-maintenance indoor succulent of all time? The snake plant is your best bet. The snake plant thrives on neglect and can be left for weeks at a time without a drop of water. Even better, this succulent even grows in medium and low-light areas, making it perfect for darker spaces.

The NASA Clean Air Study, which looked at which indoor houseplants purify toxic chemicals from the air, found that the snake plant was able to purify benzene, formalydehde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene from the air. Many other indoor houseplants and succulents could only remove a few chemicals, but the snake plant was one of the best purifiers.

Happy, and easy, growing!

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Kate Gavlick is a nutritionist with a Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition (MSCN). Hailing from Portland Oregon, and ... More about Kate Gavlick