5 Kitchen Compost Bin Options: No More Excuses!

When it comes to kitchen compost bin you have a lot of choices. They can be confusing, but mostly, they’re effective ways to keep your scraps out of landfills.

5 Kitchen Compost Bin Options
Option 1:
This is the good ol’ basic option. I see this kitchen compost bin as the granny pantie option–it gets the job done without any flash.

Pros: It is easy to clean either by hand or in the dishwasher. Also, there aren’t any additions, such as filters, that you need to purchase regularly. With a one gallon capacity it’s large enough for a few meals worth of scraps.
Cons: Because it doesn’t have any filters and therefore no way for air to circulate, it will begin to stink and attract fruit flies sooner than other options. If pretty and stylish are two words that describe your kitchen decor, this Plain Jane option may not be for you.
Find this compost bin, or a comparable option, at Gardeners.com or other garden/home supply store.
Option 2:
This option is the Volvo of kitchen compost bins–it will serve you for a good, long time without much flash, but it will require a bit of upkeep.

Pros: With a little more than one gallon capacity, this option will hold scraps from breakfast, lunch and dinner. The removable top has air holes and two filters to encourage air flow while preventing odor from escaping.
Cons: Every few months you’re going to have to buy replacement filters. Priced between $5-10, they’re not overly expensive, but the bin attracts too many fruit flies and stinks without them.
My local kitchen supply store sells this compost bin. You may also find it as your local hardware store. Amazon.com sells it as well.
Option 3:
The Kitchen Compost Caddy lets you literally brush your mess under the table (or counter).

Pros: Because this bin attaches to the inside of your kitchen cabinet, it is hidden away and doesn’t take up precious real estate on your counter top. Its carbon filters will help control unpleasant odors.
Cons: You’re going to have to regularly purchase carbon filters and plastic bags. The filters, used two at a time, cost $12 for 8, and the bags are 25 for $5 (both available from KitchenCompostCaddy.com).
Option 4:
The Bokashi Bucket is an innovative option that’s great for apartment dwellers.

Pros: This is a great option for apartment dwellers who may not have access to an outdoor compost bin because the whole composting process happens within this one bucket. Not only will you have solid compost to add to plants but compost tea (liquid compost) as well.
Cons: You will have to continually buy Bokashi mix which is added to the compost in the bucket and helps to break down the food scraps that you add. With a cost of $89 for the bucket plus the cost of the bokashi mix this is one of the pricier kitchen compost bin options.
Buy this bin via bokashi.com.au.
Option 5:
If you want your kitchen scraps to turn into compost ASAP, the Ecotonix composter is the option for you.

Pros: By chopping up your kitchen scraps into smaller bits they will compost faster, which is a big reason why I like this kitchen compost bin. I also like the fact that I can easily (and without much mess) dump the chopped scraps in my outdoor compost bin.
Cons: Priced at more than $100, much like the Bokashi bucket, this is a pricier option.
You’ll find this bin at thegreencycler.com.
Not sure what can and can’t go in the compost bin? Check out our tips here.
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