Growing Peppers in Your Container Vegetable Garden
Bell peppers are delicious raw, grilled, or roasted. They enhance so many of our spring and summer meals. Not only are they delicious, but they’re so much fun to grow and you don’t need a huge garden plot. You can grow delicious and nutrient dense sweet bell peppers in a small container garden because peppers don’t need very much space to grow. Growing peppers has never been easier.
Growing Bell Peppers in a Container Garden
What You’ll Need
-Bell pepper seeds or transplants
-Window boxes or planters (at least 9 inches deep)
-Organic compost (Consider making your own)
–Organic fertilizer
-Epsom salts
1. Start seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before the last spring frost. (The soil temperature must be at least 65-70 degrees). Start pepper seeds three to a pot.
2. Transplants can be planted outdoors 18-24 inches apart after there is no danger of frost. Nighttime temperatures should not fall below 60 degrees F and daytime temperatures should not go above 90 degrees. Plant in a window box or planter that’s at least 9 inches deep. Peppers should have a spot in the morning sun or filtered light, but direct afternoon sun is too much.
3. Put 2-3 matchsticks in each hole along with some organic fertilizer to add some sulphur to the mix. Add rich organic compost to the mix as well. Make a mixture of 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts with 1 gallon of water. Spray plants with the Epsom salt mixture periodically to help the sweet peppers get to harvest faster.
4. Peppers should have consistently wet, but not soggy soil. Water them more often if you’re in a warmer, desert climate.
5. If necessary, support with cages or stakes. Harvest as soon as peppers have reached desired sized.
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Images: Peggy J Hughes, James Bowes