7 Grilling Fruits: The Perfect Excuse for a Barbecue

Summer just isn’t summer without the grill, but so often fruits are disregarded. This is such a shame because caramelizing heat amps up the flavor of all your favorite fruits. Grilling fruits is a healthier dessert option, sweet addition to a salad, or a yummy side. Here’s how to grill fruits.
7 Grilling Fruits
1. Pineapple
Pineapple tastes even better on the grill. Slice the top and bottom off to stabilize the fruit and then run your knife along the side to remove the skin. Slice into 2-inch circular slices. Grill on each side until caramelized and yummy and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a drizzle of vanilla extract for dessert.
2. Plums
Plums are great for healthy grilling. Slice in half vertically and remove the pit. Use a spoon to ensure that the pit is completely cleaned out. Grill each side until soft and sweet. Serve with pork chops, game, or enjoy for dessert.
3. Watermelon
Choose seedless watermelon for this. Slice into triangular slices that are 3 inches thick and grill until there are grill marks but remove before the fruit collapses. Chop into 2-inch chunks and serve in a salad with feta and mint.
4. Apricots
Slice in half vertically and remove the pit. The same is true for peaches. Grill until golden brown with grill marks. Serve in a yummy arugula salad with pistachios and parmesan cheese. Or add as a main ingredient in crepes.
5. Figs
Figs are another ideal choice. Slice in half vertically and drizzle with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Grill until softened a bit and bubbling with flavor. Sprinkle with blue cheese and drizzle with balsamic vinegar glaze. Or serve atop a bruschetta as an appetizer. Yum.
6. Bananas
It’s like bananas foster without the ongoing flame. Slice lengthwise all the way down the center of the banana. Grill until caramelized and sweet. Serve with a scoop of ice cream and a drizzle of honey.
7. Strawberries
Put strawberries on a skewer and grill until grill marks form. Serve in a strawberry salad with greens, goat cheese, balsamic, and pine nuts or with a whipped heavy cream for dessert.
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