Tropical Raw, Vegan Breadfruit Pie Recipe

breadfruit pie recipe

Breadfruit, known as ulu in the Hawaiian Islands, is a tropical fruit with an incredible creamy and smooth texture. Often used as a starch for savory dishes, breadfruit can also be used for desserts if let to ripen and produce more sugars, yielding a custardy meaty filling encased in a rippled, golden green skin.

Like many tropical fruits, breadfruit is high in potassium alongside calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, and fiber. Learn how to use this exotic fruit in our raw, vegan breadfruit pie recipe!

breadfruit image via Shutterstock

breadfruit pie recipe


1 cup organic almonds or macadamia nuts
1 cup organic coconut flakes
2 tablespoons organic dates, chopped (about 2-3 dates)
1/4 cup organic sweetener of choice
1/2 teaspoon coarse sea salt
Organic coconut oil for greasing

1 medium size, very ripe organic breadfruit
1/2 cup small organic coconut flakes
1/4 cup organic coconut or almond flour
1/4 cup organic sweetener of choice
1/4 water
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 cup organic coconut oil
1 tablespoon lecithin
Organic fruit
Mint leaves for garnish

To make the crust, place all the crust ingredients in a food processor and blend until crunchy in consistency (make sure not to over blend). Use the coconut oil to grease a spring form pan, and then press the crust flat on the bottom.

To make the filling, cut the breadfruit into slices and remove the core. Scoop the custardy flesh into the food processor using a spoon. Blend with the next five ingredients for the filling until smooth. Then add the coconut oil and lecithin and process until silky smooth. Spread the breadfruit layer over the crust with a spatula, and freeze for at least 1 hour to set.

Garnish with fresh fruit and mint leaves to serve. This delicious, vegan breadfruit pie can be enjoyed straight after taking it out of the freezer!

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Breadfruit pie image via Shutterstock
