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Image of a visually exciting piece of art featuring a white sculpture of a brain with half of it covered in colorful paint that appears to run off into a cool design. This is a visual representation of the connection of mental fitness and Alzheimer's prevention.
March 30, 2024
Alzheimer's Prevention — take action with 5 science-backed strategies. Plus experts reveal new research connecting mental wellness and Alzheimer’s.
A healthy diet may not reduce Alzheimer's
March 18, 2019
A new long-term study out of London shows no correlation between healthy diet and decreased risk of Alzheimer's, but experts…
image of three glass storage containers full of plant-based meal prep showing that diet culture, even in regards to clean eating can be toxic via Organic Authority
October 2, 2013
Alzheimer's disease prevention is still a mystery but some researchers think healthy food could be key.
August 13, 2013
Individuals with higher than normal blood sugar levels face an increased risk of developing dementia, even if they're not diabetic.
September 22, 2011
Each week we share our favorite links from around the web. This week includes highlights from Experience Life, Blisstree, Rodale,…