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September 10, 2024
Most people think of beer, chocolate, and other sinful delights when they hear "Belgium." But the country's capital, Brussels, will…
Pesticides Damaging to Developing Brains, EU Report Finds
September 10, 2024
A report released by the European Parliament points to two studies on pesticides and their negative impact on developing brains.
Body image varies from culture to culture, and Americans just aren't doing it right.
September 10, 2024
Body image is a sensitive subject and something I personally witnessed to be drastically different among American and European women.
The Russians are Coming…to Test Our GMO Foods?
September 10, 2024
GMO foods and the companion herbicide glyphosate will undergo rigorous safety testing by Factor GMO--a $25 million Russian and European…
September 10, 2024
The European horsemeat scandal has left many people nauseated. Why is it we find some meat so much more disgusting…
September 10, 2024
Avocados from Sicily are sold throughout Europe and become so popular that consumer demand has outgrown the supply.