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Find out common places in your household where your pet may be ingesting chemicals and toxins. That way you can…

Casting the trimmings from your fruits and veggies directly into a compost pile is certainly easier on the earth than…

Feast your eyes on these inspired ways to make the most of those worn and weary belts that you might…

Your dog is depending on you to responsibly dispose of its waste, but are bio-based plastic bags any better than…

The cutest--and most environmentally friendly--dog houses, cat houses and chicken coops you've ever seen!

Like a baby who can’t communicate yet, owners learn to read their dog’s attitude and body language to judge what…

With summer right around the corner, you have to be prepared for emergencies of all kinds as you and your…

A comparison of several bully sticks, a safe chew toy option for dogs. Do natural, organic bully sticks from free…