Beef-Infused Beer: The Latest Fad in Brewing
Get ready for the latest fad in brewing: beef-infused beer. But wait, it gets better. It isn’t just beef in the beer, it’s actual beef hearts. Is this culinary genius in its prime, or just another excuse for red-blooded carnivores to eat prime beef?
The Boston Beer Company, maker of Samuel Adams, released its beef-infused beer to markets in winter of 2010. “Burke in a Bottle,” made by Chef David Burke, contains all sorts of delectable spices a dark beer finds right at home, including black pepper, cinnamon, clove, ginger, and nutmeg. But the beef hearts added at the end of the boil? We just aren’t sure about that one.
Chef David Burke, dubbed “Best Culinary Prankster of 2003” by Time Out New York, is no stranger to culinary experimentation. His past successes (if you’d like to call them that) include Pastrami Salmon and GourmetPops © (cocktail lollipops). Can we trade our beef-infused beer for a few cocktail lollipops? Thanks.
Boston Beer brewing manager Bert Boyce told Slashfood: “In the spirit of the beer, you should have it with beef.”
Yes, that’s just what Americans need. More beef to go with their beef beer to go with their beef-beer bellies.
Image: Samuel Adams