From Our Friends: August 2, 2013

Welcome to this week’s installment of From Our Friends, our weekly roundup where we highlight some of our favorite posts from the past week and more from our friends and partners around the web. This week’s edition includes articles on ditching your microwave, some killer workouts, great green glass containers, 10 things worse for you than sugar, astrology, cinnamon, and some fantastic herbs to help digestion. Enjoy!

1. Experience Life has gathered some of their favorite healthy-living links including 8 Killer 15-Minute Workouts for Home or Outside, Ditching Your Microwave, Cereal Puffing Guns and More. Check them out.

2. MightyNest discovered a great company making green glass containers, an excellent alternative to plastic and are BPA, PVC, lead and phthalate free. Read all about them.

3. Despite having heard sugar referred to as “The Enemy,” there may be worse evils out there. Read about the 10 things worse for you than sugar on Blisstree.

4. As we have passed the threshold of the Age of Aquarius and survived the ending of the Mayan calendar, it feels as if we are all stepping into a new paradigm of deepening connection with all that is important to us. Nowhere is this more potent than with our children. Read more at YogiTimes.

5. Cinnamon, one of the oldest spices known to man, and has long been used not just as a flavor enhancer, but also for its medicinal qualities. Cinnamon is an antioxidant, and its essential oils have strong antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. It has also been used centuries over for its qualities as a sedative and pain reliever. Read more at The Organic Whey.

6. No need to reach for a pill or down a murky liquid to soothe digestive woes when there exist common natural herbs that improve digestion. In fact, some of the herbs you may already have lingering in the pantry or refrigerator happen to pack a metabolism-boosting punch. Find out at EcoSalon.

You can follow Spencer on Twitter @SpencerKent

Image: EcoHousewives
