From Our Friends: January 3, 2014

Welcome to this week’s installment of From Our Friends, a weekly roundup where we highlight some of our favorite posts, published by our friends and partners around the web. This week’s edition includes a look back at 2013’s healthy food trends, which obnoxious motivational messages make your workout clothes really stink, how to get the whole family involved in the kitchen and keep the delivery guy away with wholesome homemade pizza, which natural remedies will help with uncomfortable UTIs, an incredibly easy tip to jumpstart your New Year’s resolution to meditate each day, which organic protein product helps you give back to the planet and fuel those 2014 resolutions, and an exploration of today’s male gender roles’ new age turn versus the classic macho man– which is better? Enjoy!
1. There’s no denying it was definitely the International Year of Quinoa, but fermented foods, natural sweeteners, and lots of other healthy goodies also squeezed into the spotlight sometimes too. Check out WellandGoodNYC‘s list of Best of 2013: Good Food to reflect on what we were eating this past year and which food trends somehow already seem passe.
2. Do some workout clothes’ attempts at motivational messages make you wince? Some are sexist, some make little sense, some are insulting, and others are just thinspo and fitspo crudely silk screened on a flimsy piece of fabric. BlissTree thinks they’re all awful and invites you to laugh off some calories at their list of the lousiest workout clothes words of wisdom.
3. Don’t order out for pizza tonight, make it at home with wholesome ingredients and get the entire family involved! MightyNest shares how easy it can be to get kids of all ages in on a slice of fun and keep processed pizza delivery out of your family’s dinner rotation.
4. Half of all women experience a UTI during their lifetime, with an 80 percent chance of recurrence. Learn how natural remedies may help keep you from suffering an uncomfortable UTI. The Yogi Times explores some of the best methods for prevention and treatment that don’t include antibiotics.
5. Want one simple suggestion to kickstart your meditation practice in the New Year? Experience Life Magazine shares the most wonderfully simple little tip to incorporate meditation into your daily routine without putting other aspects of life on hold. It’s so simple, you’ll never have an excuse to skip meditation again!
5. Do something good for your body and the planet both, in one easy step. The Organic Whey wants to make a difference, and is proud to contribute 1% of its sales to 1% for the Planet. Look for their logo when you shop, and consider membership for your company too. Shop with The Organic Whey (now available via too!) and check off two of those New Year’s resolutions at once!
6. From artists to yogis: EcoSalon asks, are sensitive ‘New Age’ guys sexy? Sexuality and gender delineations are changing, fast. Is the modern era of less macho man more of a turn on?
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