Yoga and Beer, Together At Last

Yoga. Beer. It’s most-often a choice between the two. And after a busy day at work (or parenting) they both offer appealing benefits. At the very least, some respite from the daily grind. But you don’t have to have one without the other anymore. Meet the yoga and beer trend.
People often find themselves in a yoga class because they’re seeking a healthier alternative to a party lifestyle. Likewise, they may seek out the comfort of alcohol to help them unwind, even after a challenging yoga class. But step into any number of breweries and yoga studios today and you might find both happening at the same time, like one of your fantasy happy places come to life.
The New York Times points to Bendy Brewski Yoga in Charleston, S.C. as the birthplace of yoga and beer, but it’s quickly bubbled out from there. “Even Lululemon, the Canadian-based purveyor of stylish yoga wear, is part of this growing trend,” reports Eater.
Bendy Brewski, led by Beth Cosi, started as a way to help brewery employees with the physical demands of brewery work. But Cosi thought customers might be interested in it too, especially if there was a pint of beer involved at the end of class.
Then there’s “Rage Yoga” which as it sounds, is full of unabashed rage.
Started by Lindsay-Marie Istace, who said she came up with the idea while going through a painful breakup, rage yoga is also taking off. And it also included beer.
“During [the breakup] my practice became a lot more swear-y,” she told Vice’s Munchies. “I was angry, hurt, confused, and my time on the mat became a safe haven for me to let it out while reconnecting with my body.”
Rage Yoga not only comes with beer, but without the politeness and quiet reflection of traditional yoga. There’s heavy metal music, swearing, and surrendering into the dark discomfort many people feel while attempting difficult or painful yoga poses. Some would argue it might even be the most honest yoga class, ever. Instead of keeping all that frustration inside, class participants are encouraged to let it the eff out.
While some yogis might find the combination of yoga and beer (and rage) to be like eating a dozen donuts while on a treadmill, Cosi says the opposite is true. “The people who drink moderately are also the people who exercise,” she told Eater. “It’s the balance of detox and retox. They’re the people who, afterward, are going out and getting a cocktail or a beer with friends because they want to celebrate themselves, living well, and eating and drinking well.”
And just like cutting corners to make healthy eating more accessible has never been more relevant, perhaps there’s nothing inherently wrong with adding a little bit of inebriation to a workout. Just try not to spill any beer on your mat.
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Beer and yoga images via Shutterstock