Flourless Vegan Polenta Pizza Recipe with Roasted Vegetables

Flourless crust pizza is the best thing since sliced bread, ironically. It allows you to enjoy the classic dish without overdosing on empty calories and carbohydrates. Many flourless crust pizza variations exist, but this vegan polenta pizza recipe involves a crust that takes the cake.
The crust for this pizza is based in corn flour and seasoned with thyme and oregano, making for a dense and fragrant base. The toppings are up to you to experiment with, but I suggest mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions for the perfect balance of texture and taste. If you aren’t committed to keeping the recipe vegan, top the vegetables with your choice of cheese. Enjoy!
Vegan Polenta Pizza
Serves 2
For the crust
For the topping
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
Begin by bringing the 2 ½ cups water and almond milk to a boil in a pot. Once boiling, reduce heat to low, add the cornmeal, and begin to whisk until the clumps are reduced and the mixture thickens. Add the salt, pepper, and spices. Continue to whisk for another 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
Brush a baking pan with olive oil. Pour half the corn mixture on one side of the pan, forming a 1/2-inch thick circle. Repeat with the remaining half, making two pizzas. Cover the pan with plastic wrap and refrigerate until the mixture hardens – about 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, prep the toppings. Slice the tomatoes, onions, and crimini mushrooms. Place them on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes, or until the veggies are lightly tender. Reduce heat to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Once the polenta crusts have set in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, top each one with ½ cup of your favorite homemade or store-bought marinara sauce and then equally with the baked vegetables. Pop the pizzas in the oven and bake them for 15 minutes or until the crust is lightly crispy and the vegetables and sauce have married delightfully together.
Garnish with fresh basil leaves before serving.
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Vegan Polenta Pizza Image from Shutterstock