Superfood Vegan Biscotti Recipe with Matcha and Maca

It’s easy to avoid the obvious healthy food offenders: greasy pizza and fast food, sugary sodas, the endangered Twinkie. But sometimes, you just want a snack that isn’t an apple or a handful of nuts. And you know what they say: moderation keeps us from going psycho and smashing the vending machine into pieces to get to the Reese’s Pieces. Or something like that, anyway. So, what do? How about bake your own superfood vegan biscotti? You’re welcome.
I missed the big biscotti craze that paralleled Starbucks’ takeover of every street corner in the U.S. for one reason only: they weren’t vegan. While at first I wondered curiously what they tasted like, what the texture felt like, and whether or not I’d like them better dipped into my coffee or nibbled on in between sips, I soon forgot about them altogether, moving my attention to whatever vegan baked goods became available.
My fear of baking kept cookies—let alone something seemingly more complicated like biscotti—off the plate for years. I relied on chocolate bars for a sweet tooth fix, or whatever vegan baked offerings Whole Foods may have had. I eventually conquered my fear of baking, for the most part (pie crusts, your day will come!) and biscotti, surprisingly was one of the first recipes to help me feel empowered.
This recipe is adapted from the inimitable gals at the Post Punk Kitchen (Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero) to include the superfoods maca, coconut oil and chia seeds for a healthier more energizing treat.
Maca Matcha Biscotti
Makes 18 biscotti
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and line a baking sheet with parchment paper or oil liberally.
In a large bowl, mix nondairy milk, matcha green tea powder and maca powder, whisking until smooth. Add in the chia seeds and mix again. Then add the melted coconut oil, coconut sugar and vanilla, mixing until combined. Sift in the flour, cornstarch and salt and mix well. It will begin to turn into a stiff dough, which you can then add your dried chopped nuts and fruits to before you form the dough into a log, about 10 inches long and 4 inches wide.
Smooth out the sides of the dough and flatten the ends. Bake 30 minutes or until the dough has puffed up firmly. Turn the oven off and remove the dough, allowing it to cool on a wire rack for 45-60 minutes.
Turn the oven back on, but this time only to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. While the oven heats up, move the log carefully onto a cutting board. Using a sharp and heavy knife, cut into ½-inch thick slices. The PPK gals recommend doing this in “one quick and firm motion” straight through the log.
Transfer the slices back to the baking sheet, standing them upright, but spaced out evenly. Bake for another 25-30 minutes until the slices are visibly dried. Let cool before serving.
Keep in touch with Jill on Twitter @jillettinger