From Our Friends: June 21, 2013

Welcome to this week’s installment of From Our Friends, our weekly roundup where we highlight some of our favorite posts from the past week and more from our friends and partners around the web. This week’s edition includes articles on the inner beauty of beets, how to uncupcake a cupcake, why fast food chains are making their food look less perfect, a raw pie recipe, the healthiest food on the planet and a faux donut recipe. 

1. Despite it’s gnarled and knobby appearance, beets can be quite tasty. Once you look past their interesting exterior, you may just find that beets can be quite delicious and they are most certainly nutritious. For shopping, storing and cooking tips for beets, visit Experience Life.

2. It’s time to take the cupcake out of the cupcake! What could that mean? An uncupcake of course. An uncupcake is a cupcake that makes ingredient swaps to increase the nutritional value of the sweet treat without sacrificing flavor. Head over to MightyNest for a great chocolate uncupcake recipe.

3. Everyone loves a good home cooked meal and fast food restaurants are playing into that love by making their food look less perfect. McDonalds traded in their circular egg “patties” used in their original McMuffin for a looser, more natural looking shape in their new Egg White McMuffins — and they aren’t the only ones. Several other brands and fast food joints are trying to make their meals look more like mom’s. Read more about the movement towards fast food imperfection on Blisstree

4. If you are going to a picnic or BBQ and thinking about bringing a pie, you might wanna try the raw route. Not raw as in an unbaked pie, but raw meaning using whole, fresh ingredients that don’t need baking! Check out YogiTimes‘ recipe for a raw raspberry blueberry pie.

5. The healthiest food on the planet is not a fruit. It isn’t a vegetable or ancient grain. The healthiest food, according to some experts, is a cyanobacteria called spirulina. Some refer to spirulina as an algae due to it’s green-blue color. To read more about spriulina and what makes it so good for you, visit The Organic Whey

6. Who needs a donut when you can have a faux-nut! Fauxnuts are not fried, have a banana based batter and are simply delicious. Head over to Ecosalon for the fauxnut recipe and to read about why the fauxnut was created! (Hint: It has to do with a certain celebrity!)

You can follow Spencer on Twitter @SpencerKent

Image: temptressyarn
