Meatless Monday Recipe Roundup: Eatin’ Outside

The weather continues to be heating up across the country, making eating outdoors of premier priority (with plenty of shade and sunscreen of course). Nothing tastes better than simple, pure flavors from nature when you are amidst, well, nature. Let these inspired recipes from some of the web’s savvy veggie bloggers inspire you for seasonal, summer soirées that are oh-so meatlessly delicious.
Take it from us, nothing quenches both hunger and thirst like a savory watermelon salad! Over at Jeanette’s Healthy Living, summer’s favorite juicy fruit gets paired with spicy radishes and dressed with fresh herbs and some spices that have a bit of kick. Let the juice of this Indian Watermelon and Lime Salad happily drip down your chin.
Speaking of watermelon, keep things cool with this Summer “Seeded” Watermelon Frosty from Happy, Healthy Life. By “seeded” they mean chia seeds, and if you haven’t jumped on that train yet, check out chia’s health boons. The two make a lovely combo.
What would make a salad really an entree? If you stuff it inside a taco shell (or two), it should do the trick. At Keepin’ It Kind, the Cilantro Avocado Chickpea Salad Tacos are simple, fresh and a perfect take along for outdoor meanderings.
You want simple? You won’t savor summer better than through the easiest recipe ever from Cajunlicious for Roasted Cherry Tomatoes On The Vine. While these babies are delightful raw, they take on special, meaty appeal with just a bit of the right cooking.
Image: Keepin’ It Kind